50 paintings before i turn 50

Original paintings with partnered poetry: #61-70

Originally a project to create 50 paintings and 50 poems before I turn 50, I decided to just keep going.

I don’t think of my writings as “poetry” as much as I think of them as songs or music. Ever since I can remember, I hear rhythm and rhyme in my head. Every poem IS a painting, and every painting IS a poem. Sometimes a poem will come first, then the picture; at other times, a picture and then the poem. The thing that frees me and also teaches me is that art has no rules.


#61: alien contact

It’s hard for me to see you still don’t know
We’ve met before, so many years ago
And yet I hear the story that you tell
To know you don’t remember me that well
No light intruded, sucked you to the sky
That’s probably the air that made you high
The galaxies I crossed to come to you
The shaking that, at certain times, you do,
I’ve sent you starlit music from within
Dimensions to the surface of your skin
But nothing gets unraveled, comes untied
I know you’re trapped, but see you’re safe inside
You’re tethered to, imprisoned by, the mind
And racing through your years but running blind
The cities that you chose to set ablaze
I think it’s what a human does these days
If memory returns you to the clear,
The likelihood is fractal I’ll be here

#62: little king

One thinks a thought, so someone said,
And then that person fears it
You’re not the voice inside your head
But are the one who hears it

The sky is gone, no longer blue
And all the days are changing
Will coming years be morphing, too,
And time be rearranging?

How lucky of a soul am I
To meet a one with magic
Who makes it hard to say goodbye
And makes it feel so tragic

Little man, I miss him too,
He’s not behind that door
It’s you I’ll give attention to
Much better than before

Little Lion, here’s your crown
I know this change can sting
And though I feel so broken down,
I’ll help you be the King


#63: friendship

It’s always a pleasure,
Once days are not tethered
To Winter’s disruptive commands,
To rise up together
And stare at the weather
While knowing someone understands

#64: Ann’s tree

Sister, if I tell the truth
I’d breathe and count to ten,
Heroes now and in my youth
So few of them are men
One of them would strike a pose
And spin and catch on fire
One of them would twitch her nose
And magic would transpire
One recited poetry
With rhythm, black and blue
One would sing and Suddenly
The world was Xanadu
One could cause commotion
Reinvent a Ray of Light
One would bring emotion
Double flipping twice her height
Ruby Rosie Ro Ro built
Bionic Barbaras, too
Heroes when I feel I wilt
And one of them is you.


#65: recessexcessive

To some, a place that’s brighter
Is a distance far away
Unattainable, they say,
Perhaps a thought.

It makes what’s heavy lighter
Simply store it in your mind
So it’s easier to find
And never bought

You rule your kingdom caring
But you never seem to rest
Don’t you think it might be best
To share this light?

To take the crown you’re wearing
And remove it from your head,
Be a passenger instead
You’ll be alright.

To you, a destination
Ought to be a bit of joy
Not commands you must deploy
Among us all

To most, this is vacation
Leave your kingdom, let it flow
Like any rain, just let it go
A waterfall

#66: spectrum

Like headphones treat the music when my ears absorb a song,
I’ve collected shadows on the weekends for so long
Shutting out the noises that could enter either ear
I have gathered darkness that has made me disappear
I still have my colors, love the shades of blue and green,
But I’ve placed the shadows where the colors can’t be seen
Meanwhile see that Saturdays are glowing in the hills
Weekends in my future, I contribute to the thrills
All it takes is someone who is brave enough to be
In temporary blindness, and discover they can see.


#67: freedumb

You kill a million people
As the media arrives
They film your testimony
While you’re holding bloody knives

They catch you stabbing others
While you say you’re saving lives
And promise all the hope that
Any wallet found survives

You host a little party
Shoot the guests with forty-fives
Shake hands with wealthy husbands
After raping all their wives

#68: courage

It’s not that we deny the past;
It’s how we tell its story.
Some seek to tell a truth at last
Some manufacture glory

To speak and know you’ll be harassed
Or marked derogatory
Who is so iconoclast
Makes reading mandatory

Not the stories written fast
The victor’s allegory
Writers, authors, those outcast
Who wrote another story

Why not take a closer look
When made to feel misled:
Those who often ban a book,
Is it a book they’ve read?


#69: strangerfriend

She was standing by my side
When the truth came in the room
She could feel it splitting time
Said her home was now a tomb
She stopped holding all the years
She’d been carrying before
She was asking was it right
If she dropped them on the floor
She’d been looking for the words
That would help her walk away
Sweetest stranger, wish you knew
What a gift you were that day
I remember what you said
When the sunlight hit your face
When you know you have to leave,
There will always be a place

#70: jones

Elderly artist who lived on his own
Gave me advice as he sat on a throne
Paint all the things that will sing in your heart
Look for an ending and make it a start
Imagine your body alone on a hill
Colorful, tree-like, and keep yourself still
Unleash the music that’s trapped in your mind
Listen to critics, then leave them behind
Never agree to be branded or tagged
Always remember “let go, or be dragged.”
Always have brushes and paints on a shelf
Make it a habit of being yourself

