50 paintings before i turn 50

Original paintings with partnered poetry: #41-50

This is my way of celebrating my fiftieth birthday: 50 paintings and poems that I will create before I turn 50.

I don’t think of my writings as “poetry” as much as I think of them as songs or music. Ever since I can remember, I hear rhythm and rhyme in my head. Every poem IS a painting, and every painting IS a poem. Sometimes a poem will come first, then the picture; at other times, a picture and then the poem. The thing that frees me and also teaches me is that art has no rules.


#41: sunset or fire?

I will feel electric here whenever you’re with me,
Twice or more, you’ve made it clear I’m not your cup of tea
Are you blue or are you red or are you in between?
You’re alive, but claim you’re dead, and swallow gasoline
We can sit in ice and snow while no one’s life expands,
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that someone understands?

#42: skyvision

Who’s afraid of rainbows
Or a multicolored sky?
Who’s in fear of Others near
And space they occupy?
Who’s afraid of building
Using magic they intuit?
What’s the cost of having lost
All bravery to do it?
Who’s afraid of thinking
They are capable of flying?
Who’s afraid of music made
By poets always trying?


#43: awake

I find my way by moonlight when the night has just begun
Encouraged by the silence, not distracted by the sun
Guess I should be sleeping, keeping dreams where they belong
But what if dreams are lyrics that are searching for a song?
Mine are dancing pictures I’m compelled to engineer
Temporary visions: if not built, they disappear
Night can stir my dreaming, throw my mind in overdrive,
Teach me under moonlight how to keep myself alive

#44: subtle

I set out to paint some light
Grab my tools and enter night
One small move can cause a storm
Alter winter, make it warm
Too much here and nothing shows
Light arrives, but nothing glows
I go upside down instead
Dump the contents from my head
Find some truth in painting light
Otherwise I fall from flight
Find the easy line of sight:
Simple, subtle,
Simple, subtle…
Simple always gets it right


#45: sunset catch

Sunlight slips and slides away
Falling from the sky,
And I,
Feeling like I have to stay,
Captivated at the sky,
Pause to watch it end the day,
Light the moon, be on its way

What a way to start the night
Life seems rearranged,
Shadows dance in disco light
Colors claim I’m someone changed
Sunset silence, thoughts in flight
What a way to start the night

#46: quantum tree

Stars in the music that midnights express
Turn on the ones I forget I possess
Give me some starlights, enough to get by,
I’ll watch the river and reach for the sky,
Listen for thunder and grow in the ground;
You’ll see me dance if you keep me around
If you get lonely, the stars are outside,
Come share a midnight, relax by my side.


#47: identifind

Myth and masculinity
Settle in the mind
Fly you to divinity
Leaving love behind
I’m in the vicinity
Looking for a find
Feeling some affinity
For things to keep me kind
Busy holy trinity?
How am I designed?
Sometimes I’m infinity
Sometimes I’m defined.

#48: pack

Topless, stealing air like thieves,
Barely wearing any leaves,
Root-connected trio trees,
Scandalous, the three of these
Frolic, gossip, wide-awake
Laugh so hard their branches shake
Hold each other, solid, bare,
Always present, always there


#49: shannon

When you are lonely,
Have lost all your leaves
Come across magic
That no one believes,
Easy to see us
Alive in the breeze
Standing in water
That no one else sees
Bring us the weight of
Your sadness and grief
If you are rooted
Then choose your relief
Always the body
Delivers your peace
Always the music
You’ve yet to release

#50: dancer

At last the fiftieth, just in time for me to be 51. I set out to do fifty paintings with fifty poems before fifty, but ended up starting more than 300, finish around 65 of them, but this is the fiftieth with a poem scratched on the canvas sides. I think I’ll keep numbering my paintings with the poems.


In case you don’t have a soft voice in your ear
A whisper that makes you feel good when it’s here
If ever you need someone next to your fear
Just drop me a line, if I can, I’ll appear
Promise you steady, a soul of sincere



